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Upcoming meetings of the Marine Resources Committee

Monday March 25, 10:00 a.m.  The Marine Resources groundfish subcommittee will work toward finalizing its recommendations for State measures to support Maine's groundfish industry.  At this time the subcommittee appears to be leaning toward ice rebates and landings rebates (to offset the foregone value of bycatch lobster) for all vessels landing groundfish in Maine.  Longer term programs might include loan funds and health insurance initiatives, but the subcommittee realizes these will require some time to develop and that the industry needs relief sooner.

Wednesday March 27, 10:00 a.m.  The full Marine Resources committee will review the subcommittee's report.

The Marine Resources committee has the power to introduce remedies to the lobster bycatch problem in the full Legislature, but it does not have the authority to fund those remedies.  If money is to be spent, that must be approved by the Appropriations Committee - a steep hill to climb.

All meetings are open to the public; both of the meetings above will be held in Augusta, in Room 214 of the Cross Building.


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