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Our Response to The Lobster Conservancy - November 16

Original Letter

The  Portland Exchange Exchange recognizes Maine’s lobster industry relies on strong conservation measures to protect the health of the stock. That’s why our proposal to allow landings of lobster in Maine by the non-trap sector, commonly known as “incidental” catch, adheres to existing Maine law.

Maine has both a minimum and maximum size restriction for lobster landings. The incidental lobster harvests we propose would be subject to the same limits as those from the trap fishery.

Incidental lobster harvests would be restricted to areas at least 50 miles off the Maine coastline. In other New England states, harvests are allowed to within three miles of the coastline. Each vessel landing lobster would be required to carry a satellite position tracking device which is monitored by the federal government at all times.

For decades, vessels in the course of normal fishing operations have harvested incidental lobsters from this same offshore area, and landed them in Massachusetts. As government regulations have reduced available fishing days and income, more and more Maine vessels have decided they can no longer forego the lobsters that the Massachusetts vessels fishing alongside them get to keep.

Lobster abundance is at an all-time high. Adherence to Maine’s maximum size rule, along with restricting fishing to waters far offshore, will ensure incidental lobster harvests pose no risk to the resource, while helping Maine’s groundfish industry survive.


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Original Letter