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Records from the National Marine Fisheries Service show that Maine groundfish prices were higher than those of Massachusetts in 2005. 

Each year the Service tallies groundfish landed volumes and values in each state.  In 2005, Maine fishermen received a slight premium - about 2% - over what they would have received if they had landed in Massachusetts ports.


2005 2005 Value 2005 Value
Groundfish Maine Landed In Landed In
Species Pounds Landed Maine Massachusetts
Blackback 44,968 $63,987 $58,008
Cod 1,952,246 $2,797,076 $2,954,912
Dab 1,240,775 $1,747,374 $1,612,544
Greysole 1,777,320 $2,537,231 $2,732,416
Haddock 2,087,138 $2,371,107 $2,389,107
Hake, white 3,359,227 $2,880,981 $2,809,531
Pollock 5,258,613 $3,104,294 $2,634,932
Redfish 400,978 $247,174 $222,313
Windowpane 45 $63 $20
Yellowtail 7,705 $5,688 $9,001
TOTAL 16,129,015 $15,754,975 $15,422,784

More about Maine & Massachusetts groundfish prices